Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mega Wedding & Lifestyle Exhibition

Last minute invitation from Kamal the photographer from Photocraft Studio as they do not have any cinematographer in their booth.

Meeting up with all the business associates in the wedding industries in one place. Make-up artist, videographers and the photographers. It's like meeting an old friends and catch up with the latest updates.

Again special thanks to Kamal of Photocraft Studio and their business partner, Daan & Izan for inviting me to his booth for a nice slot for those wanting a wedding videographer for their wedding.

What an overwhelming response from the crowds. It was a non-stop on the last 2 days of the exhibition. This video was taken randomly during the last days of exhibition. Models, make-up artist at work but still have time to pose for this short videos.

Copyright Reserved @ Cinematic Lens Productions 2011

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