Saturday, May 28, 2011

Shafiq & Shahirah

What a beautiful success wedding! 4 days of straight wedding between the 2nd daughter of Managing Director of Shahidah Travel, Shahirah Ayoob Angullia & the son of Shaik Hussain, Muhd Shafiq Shaik Hussain.

Lovely couple indeed throughout the 4 days events. Gorgeous wedding costumes from Fatimah Mohsin. Solemnization was held on Thursday night and the solemnization highlights was played for the guest at the Hyatt Hotel the following day.

Song by Maher Zain was requested for the solemnization highlights as the song was the bride's favourites song as well as her father and her niece.

Solemnization was held at the bride's place at her new house at Frankel Ave. Lovely house indeed. Just shifted a month ago. Well decorated. Splendid interior design I can say.

Congrats from Cinematic Lens Productions crew. Here are the solemnization highlights that was shown during their wedding dinner.

3 songs from Maher Zain was put together within the 5 mins highlights. Enjoy the highlights!

Copyright Reserved @ Cinematic Lens Productions 2011

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